Scientific Name: Acalypha hispida / Acalypha indica
Common Name: Cat’s tail Acalypha
Nepali Name: Acalypha (Shibjhul: Bengali)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

Golden Trumpet / Allamonda
Scientific Name: Allamanda cathartica
Common Name: Allamonda
Nepali Name:
Family: Apocynaceae

Aloe Vera
Scientific Name: Aloe vera
Common Name: Aloe
Nepali Name: Gheu Kumari, घिउकुमारी, (Gwarpatha)
Family: Asphodelaceae

Angel Trumpet
Scientific Name: Brugmansia suaveolens
Common Name: Angel Trumpet
Nepali Name: Dhokre phul ( धोक्रे फुल)
Family: Solanaceae

Scientific Name: Anthurium andraeanum
Common Name: Anthurium/Flamingo Lily
Nepali Name:
Family: Araceae

Scientific Name: Amaryllis belladonna
Common Name: Amaryllis/ Easter Lily
Nepali Name:
Family: Amaryllidaceae

Scientific Name: Polyalthia pendula
Common Name: Ashoka / Mast Tree
Nepali Name: Ashok (अशोक)
Family: Annonaceae

Polyalthia longifolia

Asian Pigeonwing “Aparajita” / Butterfly pea
Scientific Name: Clitoria ternatea
Common Name: Asian Pigeonwing
Nepali Name: Aparajita (अपराजिता) / Sankha pushpa (संख पुष्प)
Family: Fabaceae

Scientific Name: Begonia chlorosticta
Common Name: Begonia
Nepali Name:
Family: Begoniaceae

Balsam flower
Scientific Name: Impatiens balsamina
Common Name: Balsam flower
Nepali Name: Tiuri phool (तिउरी फूल)
Family: Balsaminaceae

Bird of Paradise
Scientific Name: Strelitzia reginae
Common Name: Bird of Paradise
Nepali Name:
Family: Strelitziaceae

Blue Bell
Scientific Name: Hyacinthoides non-scripta
Common Name: Blue Bell/Bell Flower
Nepali Name:
Family: Asparagaceae

Blanket Flower
Scientific Name: Gaillardia aristata
Common Name: Blanket flower/Gaillardia
Nepali Name:
Family: Compositae/Asteraceae

Bottle Brush
Scientific Name: Callistemon citrinus
Older name: Callistemon lanceolatus
Common Name: Bottle Brush
Nepali Name: Kalki Phul (कल्की फूल)
Family: Myrtaceae

Bottle palm
Scientific Name: Hyophorbe lagenicaulis
Common Name: Bottle palm
Nepali Name: Tadi (ताडी)
Family: Arecaceae

Scientific Name: Bougainvillea spectabilis
Common Name: Bougainvillea
Nepali Name: Bagam Beli (बगम बेली)
Family: Nyctaginaceae

Scientific Name: Bryophyllum daigremontianum
Common Name: Bryophyllum
Nepali Name:
Family: Crassulaceae

Scientific Name: Caladium bicolor
Common Name: Fancy Leaf Caladium
Nepali Name: Karkalo Phool (कर्कलो फूल)
Family: Araceae

Scientific Name: Calendula officinalis
Common Name: Calendula/Pot Marigold
Nepali Name:
Family: Compositae

Scientific Name: Cinnamomum camphora
Common Name: Camphor tree
Nepali Name: Kapur (कपुर)
Family: Lauraceae

Canna Lily
Scientific Name: Canna indica
Common Name: Canna Lily/African Arrowroot
Nepali Name: Sarbada phool (सर्बदा फूल)
Family: Cannaceae

Cape Jasmine
Scientific Name: Tabernaemontana cerifera
Common Name: Cape Jasmine
Nepali Name: Phirphire Phool (फिरफिरे फूल)
Family: Apocynaceae

Scientific Name: Dianthus caryophyllus
Common Name: Carnation/Clove Pink
Nepali Name: Carnation/ Bagaincha phul
Family: Caryophyllaceae

Cedar Tree
Scientific Name: Cedrus deodara
Common Name: Cedar, Deodar
Nepali Name: Debdar (देवदार)
Family: Pinaceae

Century Plant
Scientific Name: Agave americana
Common Name: Century Plant
Nepali Name: Ketaki (केतकी)
Family: Asparagaceae

Christmas tree
Scientific Name: Araucaria columnaris
Common Name: Christmas tree/Cook pine
Nepali Name: Christmas tree
Family: Araucariaceae

Scientific Name: Chrysanthemum indicum
Common Name: Chrysanthemum
Nepali Name: Godawari (गोदावरी)/ Gurdhauli (गुर्धौली)
Family: Compositae

Cock’s Comb
Scientific Name: Celosia argentea
Common Name: Cock’s Comb
Nepali Name: Siyur phul (सियुर )
Family: Amaranthaceae

Scientific Name: Coleus blumei
Common Name: Coleus
Nepali Name:
Family: Lamiaceae

Coral Tree
Scientific Name: Erythrina variegata
Common Name: Coral Tree
Nepali Name: Phaledo (फलेदो)
Family: Leguminosae

Scientific Name: Cosmos caudatus
Common Name: Cosmos
Nepali Name:
Family: Compositae

Crepe Myrtle
Scientific Name: Lagerstroemia indica
Common Name: Crepe Myrtle
Nepali Name: Asare Phool (असारे फूल)
Family: Lythraceae

Scientific Name: Codiaeum variegatum
Common Name: Croton
Nepali Name:
Family: Euphorbiaceae

Scientific Name: Cryptomeria japonica
Common Name: Japanese Cedar
Nepali Name: Dhoopi Sallo (धुपी सल्लो)
Family: Cupressaceae

Scientific Name: Dahlia pinnata
Common Name: Dahlia
Nepali Name: Lahure Phool (लाहुरे फूल)
Family: Compositae

Scientific Name: Bellis perennis
Common Name: Daisy
Nepali Name:
Family: Compositae

Day Lily
Scientific Name: Hemerocallis fulva
Common Name: Day lily
Nepali Name:

Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus

Scientific Name: Delphinium geraniifolium
Common Name: Delphinium
Nepali Name:
Family: Ranunculaceae

Scientific Name: Dieffenbachia seguine
Common Name: Dieffenbachia
Nepali Name:
Family: Araceae

Scientific Name: Dracaena braunii
Common Name: Dracaena
Nepali Name:
Family: Asparagaceae

Scientific Name: Duranta plumieri
Common Name: Duranta
Nepali Name: Nilkanda (निलकाड़ा )
Family: Verbenaceae

Scientific Name: Euphorbia milii
Common Name: Euphorbia/Christ Plant
Nepali Name:
Family: Euphorbiaceae

Scientific Name: Ficus religiosa
Common Name: Sacred fig/Ficus
Nepali Name: Peepal (पीपल)
Family: Moraceae

Scientific Name: Ficus benghalensis
Common Name: Banyan Tree
Nepali Name: Bar (बर)
Family: Moraceae

Scientific Name: Ficus benjamina
Common Name: Benjamina fig
Nepali Name: Sami (समी)
Family: Moraceae

Four O’clock Plant
Scientific Name: Mirabilis jalapa
Common Name: Four o’clock plant
Nepali Name: Malati phul / मालती फुल
Family: Nyctaginaceae

Fox Globe
Scientific Name: Digitalis grandiflora
Common Name: Fox Globe
Nepali Name:
Family: Plantaginaceae

Scientific Name: Gardenia jasminoides
Common Name: Cape Jasmine/Gardenia
Nepali Name: Indrakamal (इन्द्रकमल)
Family: Rubiaceae

Scientific Name: Gerbera jamesonii
Common Name: Gerbera/African Daisy
Nepali Name:
Family: Compositae

Scientific Name: Gladiolus communis
Common Name: Gladiolus/Sword Lily/Corn Flag
Nepali Name: Tarbare Phool (तरबारे फूल)
Family: Iridaceae

Gold Mohar
Scientific Name: Delonix regia
Common Name: Gold Mohar/Flame tree
Nepali Name: Gulmohar (गुलमोहर)
Family: Leguminosae

Golden Shower Tree
Scientific Name: Casia fistula
Common Name: Golden Shower Tree
Nepali Name:
Family: Papilionaceae

Scientific Name: Gomphrena globosa
Common Name: Gomphrina
Nepali Name: Makhamali (मखमली)/ Supari (सुपारी)
Family: Amaranthaceae

Henna/Mignonette Tree
Scientific Name: Lawsonia inermis
Common Name: Henna/Mignonette
Nepali Name: Mehendi (मेहेन्दी)
Family: Lythraceae

Scientific Name: Hibiscus rosa-chinensis
Common Name: Chinese Hibiscus
Nepali Name: Ghanti Phool (घन्टी फूल) / Jibre phul (जिब्रे फुल)
Family: Malvaceae

Scientific Name: Alcea rosea
Common Name: Hollyhock
Nepali Name:
Family: Malvaceae

Indian Bay Leaf
Scientific Name: Cinnamomum tamala
Common Name: Indian Bay Leaf
Nepali Name: Tejpatta (तेजपत्ता)
Family: Lauraceae

Scientific Name: Ixora chinensis
Common Name: Ixora
Nepali Name: Rukmini (रुक्मिनी)
Family: Rubiaceae

Scientific Name: Jacaranda mimosifolia
Common Name: Jacaranda
Nepali Name: Nilmohar (निलमोहर)
Family: Bignoniaceae

Scientific Name: Jatropha curcas
Common Name: Jatropha
Nepali Name: Sajiwan (सजीवन)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

Scientific Name: Juniperus chinensis
Common Name: Chinese Juniper
Nepali Name: Juniper / Dhoopi (धुपी)
Family: Cupressaceae

Scientific Name: Justicia gendarussa
Common Name: Justicia
Nepali Name:
Family: Acanthaceae

Juniperus flaccida

Scientific Name: Mangnolia grandiflora
Common Name: Magnolia
Nepali Name: Rookh Kamal (रुख कमल)
Family: Magnoliaceae

Scientific Name: Tagetes erecta
Common Name: African Marigold
Nepali Name: Sayapatri (सयपत्री)
Family: Compositae

French Marigold
( Tagetes patula)
Makhamali / Swosthani phul (मखमली, स्वोस्थानी फुल)

Monstera / Split leaf philodendron
Scientific Name: Monstera deliciosa
Common Name: Monstera
Nepali Name:
Family: Araceae

Money Plant
Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum
Common Name: Money Plant
Nepali Name: Money Plant
Family: Araceae

Morning Glory
Scientific Name: Ipomoea purpurea
Common Name: Morning Glory
Nepali Name:
Family: Convolvulaceae

Orange Jasmine / Chinese Box / Murraya
Scientific Name: Murraya paniculata
Common Name: Night Jasmine
Nepali Name: Kamini (कामिनी) / Kunti phul
Family: Rutaceae

Mussaenda/Paper flower
Scientific Name: Mussaenda erythrophylla
Common Name: Paper chase flower
Nepali Name: Kagaji Phool (कागजी फूल)
Family: Rubiaceae

Night Jasmine/Parijat
Scientific Name: Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Common Name: Night Jasmine
Nepali Name: Parijat (पारिजात)
Family: Oleaceae

Scientific Name: Aerangis biloba
Common Name: Orchid
Nepali Name: Sunakhari (सुनाखरी)/ Sungava (सुनगाभा)
Family: Orchidaceae

Aeranthes arachnites

Agrostophyllum leucocephalum

Scientific Name: Petunia axillaris
Common Name: Petunia
Nepali Name:
Family: Solanaceae

Peacock Flower
Scientific Name: Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Common Name: Peacock flower
Nepali Name:
Family: Leguminosae

Scientific Name: Vinca minor
Common Name: Periwinkle
Nepali Name: Sadabahar Phul (सदाबहार फुल)/ Sadapushpa
Family: Apocynaceae

Scientific Name: Phlox caespitosa
Common Name: Phlox
Nepali Name:
Family: Polemoniaceae

Scientific Name: Plumeria alba
Common Name: Plumeria/Frangipani
Nepali Name: Galainchi (गलैची) / champa (चम्पा)/चाँप
Family: Apocynaceae

Scientific Name: Pinus wallichiana
Common Name: Himalayan Pine
Nepali Name: Gobre Sallo (गोब्रे सल्लो)
Family: Pinaceae

Scientific Name: Pinus roxburghii
Common Name: Chir Pine
Nepali Name: Khote Sallo (खोटे सल्लो)
Family: Pinaceae

Scientific Name: Euphorbia pulcherrima
Common Name: Poinsettia
Nepali Name: Lalupate (लालुपाते)
Family: Euphorbiaceae

Rangoon Creeper
Scientific Name: Combretum indicum
Common Name: Rangoon Creeper
Nepali Name: Madhu malati (मधु मालती) / madhavi lata
Family: Combretaceae

Scientific Name: Rhododendron arboreum
Common Name: Rhododendron
Nepali Name: Laligurans (लालिगुराँस)
Family: Ericaceae

Scientific Name: Rosa spp.
Common Name: Rose
Nepali Name: Gulab (गुलाब)
Family: Rosaceae

Silk Cotton Tree
Scientific Name: Bombax ceiba
Common Name: Silk Cotton Tree
Nepali Name: Simal (सिमल)
Family: Bombacaceae

Silver oak
Scientific Name: Grevillea robusta
Common Name: Silver oak
Nepali Name: Kainyo Phool (काईयो फूल)
Family: Proteaceae

Spider plant
Scientific Name: Chlorophytum capense
Common Name: Spider plant
Nepali Name:
Family: Asparagaceae

Snake plant
Scientific Name: Sansevieria trifasciata
Common Name: Snake plant
Nepali Name:
Family: Asparagaceae

Scientific Name: Helianthus annuus
Common Name: Sunflower
Nepali Name: Suryamukhi (सूर्यमुखी)
Family: Compositae

Scientific Name: Polianthes tuberosa
Common Name: Tuberose
Nepali Name: Rajnigandha (रजनीगन्धा)
Family: Asparagaceae

Scientific Name: Thuja occidentalis
Common Name: Thuja / Golden Thuja
Nepali Name: Dhoopi (धुपी)
Family: Cupressaceae

Wax Mallow
Scientific Name: Malvaviscus arboreus
Common Name: Wax mallow
Nepali Name: Khursani phool (खुर्सानी फूल)
Family: Malvaceae

Winter Jasmine
Scientific Name: Jasminum nudiflorum
Common Name: Winter Jasmine
Nepali Name: Pyauli phul (प्याउली फुल)
Family: Oleaceae

Yellow Oleander
Scientific Name: Thevetia neriifolia
Common Name: Yellow Oleander
Nepali Name: Pahelo Karbir (पहेंलो करबिर)
Family: Apocynaceae

Zig Zag Plant
Scientific Name: Pedilanthus tithymaloides
Common Name: Zig zag plant
Nepali Name:
Family: Euphorbiaceae

Scientific Name: Zinnia elegans
Common Name: Zinnia
Nepali Name: Parbati Phul / पार्वती फुल
Family: Compositae

These are some common ornamental plants found in Nepal which include both flowering and non-flowering (foliage) plants. Most of the images are taken from Pl@ntNet website and some of them are clicked by myself. I hope you find it informative. Contact me for any suggestions, corrections and further identification of other plants not included here. Thank you very much 🙂
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Fascinating. I grow many of these beauties. I am not familiar with Wax Mallow, Thuja, Rangoon Creeper, Justicia, Ashoka, Bryophyllum, Calladium, Duranta, Ixora and Jatropha. Thank you for the introduction.
I am just listing out the plants around me. All of these has their own growing habit and importance. Thanks 🙂
Many of these are house plants in England and also garden plants. I have quite a few of these in my house and garden
You can use them as indoor, outdoor plants 🙂
You have some beautiful plants over there. 🙂
Thanks for following my blog.
Best wishes, Pete.
Thanks 😊
Love your pictures
Thanks 😊
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Best view i have ever seen !
Has anybody ever shopped at Good Nature Evapor Vape Shop located in 3441 GA-34 E, Suite G?
Very nice flowers and plants! Thanks for liking my page.
That is an impressive list of plants from all over the world. I assume that the plants with Napali names are native to Napal or are very common in gardens.
It was interesting to see Himalayenne Balsam as this is a beautiful, but problematic plant in Northern Europe, as it often out competes native plants in shaded places. I am sure it is lovely in its right habitat
There are common plants in Nepal (most are native) and also around the globe. The habitat and purpose of grow makes it useful or sometimes problematic.
Thanks for the article!
Hello there, just became alert to your blog through Google, and found that it’s truly informative. I am going to watch out for brussels. I’ll appreciate if you continue this in future. Lots of people will be benefited from your writing. Cheers!
this is something i have never ever read. very detailed analysis.
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