Ainselu (ऐंसेलु )
Common Name: Golden Himalayan Raspberry
Scientific Name: Rubus ellipticus
Family: Rosaceae
Local Name: Ainselu / Aiselu
Amala (अमला)
Common Name: Gooseberry
Scientific Name: Phyllanthus emblica
Family: Phyllanthaceae
Local Name: Amala
Amaro (अमारो)
Common Name: Common Hug Plum
Scientific Name: Spondias pinnata
Family: Anacardiaceae
Local Name: Amaro
Angeri (अंगेरी)
Common Name: Nepal Pink Osbeckia
Scientific Name: Osbeckia nepalensis
Family: Melanstomataceae
Local Name: Angeri / Kali Angeri
Barro (बर्रो)
Common Name: Belleric Myrobalan
Scientific Name: Terminalia bellirica
Family: Combretaceae
Local Name: Barro
Bayer (बयेर)
Common Name: Chinese Jujube / Chinese Date
Scientific Name: Ziziphus jujuba
Family: Rhamnaceae
Local Name: Bayar / Bayer / Bager
Bhakimlo (भकिम्लो)
Common Name: Chinese Sumac / Nutgall Tree
Scientific Name: Rhus javanica, Rhus chinensis,
Family: Anacardiaceae
Local Name: Bhakimlo
Bimiro (बिमिरो)
Common Name: Citron
Scientific Name: Citrus medica
Family: Rutaceae
Local Name: Bimiro / Bibiro
Chiuri (चिउरी)
Common Name: Butter Tree
Scientific Name: Diploknema butyracea
Family: Sapotaceae
Local Name: Chiuri, Chyuri
Chutro (चुत्रो)
Common Name: Himalayan Barberry
Scientific Name: Berberis aristata
Family: Berberidaceae
Local Name: Chutro, Kirmuda (far-west Nepal), Chautari (Gulmi/Arghakhanchi)
Harro (हर्रो)
Common Name: Myrobalan
Scientific Name: Terminalia chebula
Family: Combretaceae
Local Name: Harro / Harra
Imli (इमली)
Common Name: Tamarind
Scientific Name: Tamarindus indica
Family: Leguminosae
Local Name: Imli / Emli
Kafal (काफल)
Common Name: Bayberry
Scientific Name: Myrica esculenta
Family: Myricaceae
Local Name: Kafal / Kaphal / Hade kafal / Ban Kafal
Katus (कटुस)
Common Name: Chestnut
Scientific Name: Castanopsis hystrix
Family: Fagaceae
Local Name: Katus
Khaneu/Khanim (खनीउ, खनियो)
Common Name: Dropping Fig
Scientific Name: Ficus semicordata
Family: Moraceae
Local Name: Khaniu, Khanio
Khurpani (खुर्पानी)
Common Name: Apricot
Scientific Name: Prunus armeniaca
Family: Rosaceae
Local Name: Khurpani
Lapsi (लप्सी)
Common Name: Nepalese Hug Plum / Himalayan Hog Plum
Scientific Name: Choerospondias
Family: Anacardiaceae
Local Name: Lapsi
Mayal (मेल)
Common Name: Wild Pear
Scientific Name: Pyrus pashia
Family: Rosaceae
Local Name: Mel / Mayal / Passi
Nivaro (निभारो)
Common Name: Common Fig
Scientific Name: Ficus carica
Family: Moraceae
Local Name: Nivaro, Nimaro
Paiyun (पैयुं)
Common Name:Wild Himalayan Cherry
Scientific Name: Prunus cerasoides
Family: Rosaceae
Local Name: Paniyun
Pani Amala (पानी अमला)
Common Name: Himalayan Ground Gooseberry
Scientific Name: Nephrolepis tuberosa
Family: Nephrolepidaceae
Local Name: Pani Amala, Bhuin Amala
Sarifa (सरिफा)
Common Name: Custard Apple
Scientific Name: Annona
Family: Annonaceae
Local Name: Sarifa / Sitaphal
Teju (तिजु)
Common Name: Wild Persimmon
Scientific Name: Diospyros malabarica
Family: Ebenaceae
Local Name: Tiju, Teju, Tedu
Timilo (टिमिलो)
Common Name: Roxburgh Fig
Scientific Name: Ficus auriculata
Family: Moraceae
Local Name: Ban timilo
Image sources:
- PlantNet: Ainselu, Amala, Bayer, Bimiro, Chutro, Emli, Khurpani, Nivaro, Sarifa, Timilo.
- Flickr: Amaro
- Angeri
- dhamma-ayurveda: Barro
- pallikot VDC facebook page: Bhakimlo
- Chiuri
- amazon: Harro
- wikipedia: Mayal, Kafal
- Katus
- pinterest: Lapsi
- Paiyun
- Pani Amala
- Tiju
Is teju really Diospyros melanoxylon? The fruit of this species is yellow, but Teju has green colored fruit. The leaves also donot resemble. Bark is also different. I found this difference when I crosschecked real teju plant with internet images. In Book ‘Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal’ by Prof. Ishwar Chandra Dutta, the scientific name of teju was Picrasma javanica Blume. The pictures of Picrasma javanica blume also do not resemble completely with teju. This has led me to a confusion.
I have mentioned it after cross checking with various plant identifying apps, websites. I remember teju from my childhood memories. May be the varieties/cultivar is different here or more wild type.
Beautiful! I’m so hungry for figs and berries now because of your photos…
Here in the Philippines Angeri is a weed. What is it used for in Nepal?
As wild fruit. Edible. Good taste while ripe. Bring back childhood memories for me.
Shankar, what a treasure trove of fruits! I am thinking that some of these may have medicinal properties!
Not some, most of them have medicinal values, raw or processed.
Wow very impressive thank you so much i was looking for this names since a long
Welcome ????