Ivy gourd, also known locally as Kundru / Kundri / Tindora is a perennial cucurbitaceous vine crop with small fruit used as raw fruit or cooked as a green vegetable. It has many medicinal and health benefits. It is a low-calorie, cholesterol, and fat-free vegetable with high dietary fiber. Here is the flowering fruiting cycle of Kundru.

Healthy and nutrition kuldhy guard🤩
Thank you for sharing this piece. Nicely worded and great clicks.
Thanks & welcome 🙂
I have not seen this type of plant. What does it taste like?
Like cucumber or other gourds…some fruits have bitter taste too
Thank you.
Well shared ! Kundru is very healthy! 👍👍
That was very interesting to see the progression of the growth cycle. I haven’t seen this plant before. How big does it grow?
Not much, the full size is just like the last photo….size is almost like kiwi fruit.
Kundru fry is very tasty and it’s very healthy also. Well shared.
Some have bitter taste
Actually what we get in market are not bitter 😜
I have a plant at home, grown naturally (not planted by me) and it has bitter taste.
O ! 🙄
Love the pictures!