In ancient times, zinnia was considered as ugly flower and Spanish named it as "mal de ojos" which means sickness of the eye. I don't know why they named it like that, because zinnias are the most elegant flower I have ever seen. Here are some zinnias from my garden. There are single and double …
Tag: Zinnia
Friday Flower
Some garden flowers for friday. White Periwinkle; Vinca minor, (Sadabahar, Sadaphuli) Red Ixora ; Ixora chinensis Zinnia; Zinnia elegans Datura flower; Datura stramonium; Dhaturo Colourful Periwinkle flower
Thoughtful Thursday
Inspirational quotes
Zinnia: Lockdown life of an elegant flower
Zinnia is most beautiful and easy to grow flower. The flower remains on the plant for longer time than other flowers.